Cleaning your house can be time-consuming and tedious, but it doesn’t have to be. With proper planning and preparation, you can clean your home in about half the time. However, many people make common cleaning mistakes that slow them down and prevent them from getting everything done. Read on to learn some of the most common cleaning mistakes and how to avoid them so that you can save time and get the job done faster.1. Not making a plan.

1. Not making a plan.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when starting a big project like spring cleaning. Before you start, take some time to plan out exactly what you want to accomplish. That way, you can focus your efforts on the most important tasks. 2. Not setting aside enough time. 3. Not making a list of supplies. 4. Not being realistic about what you can do. 5. Not labeling cleaning supplies. 6. Not keeping cleaning supplies together. 7. Not having the right supplies on hand. 8. Not putting things away when you’re done with them. 9. Not checking your supplies before you get started. 10. Not doing a deep clean. 11. Not using the right tools for the job. 12. Not doing your least favorite tasks first. 13. Not asking for help when you need it. 14. Not having a backup plan. 15. Not being flexible with your plans. 16. Not tackling the chores you hate. 17. Not setting a time limit. 18. Not washing your floors. 19. Not vacuuming your floors. 20. Not dusting your floors. 21. Not cleaning the blinds or curtains. 22. Not wiping down the baseboards. 23. Not wiping down the doors. 24. Not wiping down the light switches. 25. Not wiping down the handles. 26. Not disinfecting doorknobs and handles. 27. Not disinfecting the sink. 28. Not disinfecting the toilet. 29. Not disinfecting the bathtub. 30. Not mopping the floors.